Buyers use different ruses to wring free credit out of their suppliers 买主们千方百计想从供货商那儿无息赊购。
Textbooks and other school material are either free or lent out. 课本和其它学校备品都是免费的,而且可以外借。
I squirmed free and dug out the handkerchief from Henrys pocket, crumbs spilling to the floor. 我一点点挣脱出来,从亨利的口袋里掏出条手帕,饼干屑撒在了地板上。
There are plenty of free geocoders out there that convert human-readable locations into latitude/ longitude points. 有许多免费的地理编码器,它们可以将人类能识别的地理位置转换为纬度/经度点。
And then among the shrubs, hundreds of free bodies spread out, picnicking and sunning. 然后,数百个一丝不挂的人在灌木丛中伸展四肢,享用野餐、晒日光浴。
As Jared Newman points out in a post on his PCWorld blog, Google will obviously get a lot of free press out of this-and not just from the tech press, but also from mainstream news outlets. PCworld的博客作家JaredNewman为此评论称谷歌此举起到了很好的宣传作用,现在不仅是科技类网站会对此进行报道,而且那些主流大型传媒站点也会为谷歌语音进行免费宣传。
In other words, the free market wins out. 换言之,自由市场式经营赢得了胜利。
Then he is free to walk out of that gate right now. 那么他现在就可以走出格鲁酷的大门了。
The souls of men, when they are free and out of the hold of the body, can sense and see things that they could not, so long as they are mixed with the body. 当人的灵魂从身体的束缚解脱出来,就能看见以前与身体捆在一起时他们所无法看见的东西。
Alright, so it turns out there're two other useful types that you don't get for free out of the box. 我们还是回到这里,还有两种很有用的数据类型,这两种都不用担心内存不足。
The barber gives out free out free collipops to all the children. 理发师把棒棒糖分发给所有的孩子们。
We are free to live out the New Commandment in our ministries. 我们已经得了自由的力量,帮助我们在服事中活出这新的诫命。
It tells you that you cannot get energy for free out of your force field. 就意味着你不可能在力场里面无偿地得到能量。
Please feel free to come out and join us as we work hard, paddle fast and have fun. 请放心出现并且当我们努力工作,快戏水并且玩,加入我们。
The sturdy tie clip allows the microphone to be easily attached in position, secure, worry free and out of the way. 在坚固的领带夹允许麦克风容易重视的位置,安全,担心自由进出的方式。
During this, the astral body drifts free, slightly out phase with the physical body. 在这期间,星体躯体自由飘浮,稍稍在物质身体之上。
Keynes would be horrified that the world has let the genie of free capital flows out of the bottle. 如果得知世界已经让自由资本流动的妖怪逃出了瓶子,凯恩斯一定会惊恐万分。
They feel they should be free to work out what they believe themselves. 他们认为自己应该有选择宗教信仰的自由。
An industry that embodied the free market turns out to be pathetically dependent on the state for its survival. 一个以自由市场著称的行产业如今竟到了不得不地依赖政府求生的可怜境地。
If you don't have a friend who is free to go out of town with you, don't let that stop you. 如果你没有一个朋友,谁是自由地去与你出城,不要让这些阻止你。
You should leave yourself free to try out new possibilities. 你应该给你自己留些空闲以便尝试尝试新的可能性。
So what can you conclude from this dialogue? Please feel free to speak out your opinion. 你们能从中悟到什么呢?请自由地说出你们的看法。
In the show time as list, click free or out of office. 在“时间显示为”列表中,单击“闲”或“外出”。
Cost and freight free out 成本加运费且船方不负责卸货费用
Then I'd be free to speak out. 那时我就可以自由说话了。
Developing Hibernate application with Myeclipse makes the developers free out of the hard code writing. The efficiency and quality of our project is increased greatly. 使用Myeclipse开发基于Hibernate的数据库应用,使得开发人员真正从繁重的代码编写工作中解脱出来,极大地提高了开发效率和项目质量。
DATA SYNTHESIS: Epidemiology study and experiment study indicated that aerobic exercise could improve energy metabolism, elevate cardiovascular function, capability of cleaning free radical out, reduce risk factor of cardiovascular disease, and enhance the immunity system function. 资料综合:流行病学研究和实验研究都表明:有氧运动能改善能量代谢,提高心血管系统功能,提高自由基清除能力,降低心血管危险因子,提高机体的免疫功能。
Putting the educational administration synthesizes management the system to use, will reduce the workload of educational administrators surely, making them set free out from the complicated and concrete work, engaging in research and reform in educational administration management work. 教务综合管理系统的启用,必将减少教务管理工作人员的工作量,使他们从繁杂的具体工作中解脱出来,进行教务管理工作的研究与改革。
Private lending is a civil behavior with obligation or free obligation out of loan among natural persons, corporations and other organizations, except for financial institutions. 民间借贷是不包括金融机构在内的自然人、法人及其他组织等民事主体之间,基于资金的借贷而形成的一种无偿或有偿的民事行为。
What this text probes into is mainly great meaning in dissemination of DV movement of China, how the personal image breaks words power, free out from the monopoly of major ideology, with the concern about the outlying group, transmit and come from the folk sound. 本文探讨的主要是中国的DV运动在传播学上的重大意义,个人影像如何打破话语权力,从主流意识形态的垄断中解脱出来,以对边缘群体的关注,传达来自民间的声音。